[Users] S3 storage

Alec H. W. Hans alec at ascendrix.com
Tue Jan 2 21:46:16 CET 2018

Hi and happy new year,

Thanks for sharing this. Did you use AWS S3 or some local storage?

It would be quite interesting to know how this performs (especially indexing and search) with AWS S3 (or some other cloud storage) under load.



From: Users <users-bounces at lists.zetalliance.org> on behalf of L. Mark Stone <lmark.stone at reliablenetworks.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 2, 2018 7:33:33 PM
To: David Touitou
Cc: users at lists.zetalliance.org
Subject: Re: [Users] S3 storage

Happy New Year David!

We are using S3 via Zextras HSM on our 8.8.4 beta system.  We have not yet rolled it into production.

In our tests it worked reliably.

We are waiting for 8.8.6 to test again.

Hope that helps,
A Message From...  L. Mark Stone, General Manager

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From: "David Touitou" <david at network-studio.com>
To: users at lists.zetalliance.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 2, 2018 1:10:23 PM
Subject: [Users] S3 storage
Hello all, happy new year.

Does anyone use S3-powered HSM (either ZeXtras or ZimbraPlus or other implementation) but with local (on premise) storage?
I'm thinking of Minio, Zenko, etc.

I want to get rid of my old storage solution.
But I want to keep the data in house.

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