[Users] 'Send later' feature broken in ZCS 10.0.10

Frédéric Nass frederic.nass at univ-lorraine.fr
Fri Nov 22 14:34:39 CET 2024

Nope, nor has it been fixed in 10.0.11. This is ZBUG-4422, btw . 

Latest news from a week back are: "this matter was escalated with the dev team, team acknowledge the impact of this bug and intend to fix it. Engineering team is analyzing the issue." 
Wait and see... 


----- Le 22 Nov 24, à 11:47, Marco Di Antonio <diantonio at italiaonsite.com> a écrit : 

> Has this been fixed in latest 10.1.3?

> Da: "Frédéric Nass" <frederic.nass at univ-lorraine.fr>
> A: "Mark Stone" <mark.stone at missioncriticalemail.com>
> Cc: "Users List Zeta Alliance" <users at lists.zetalliance.org>
> Inviato: Venerdì, 18 ottobre 2024 17:32:48
> Oggetto: Re: [Users] 'Send later' feature broken in ZCS 10.0.10

> Hey Mark,

> Thanks very much for your help and your thoughts. I appreciate. Yeah, Barry just
> let me know.

> I have bugs to share. :-) Not sure I've ever shared [
> https://u2l.fr/bugs-zcs10-english | this list ] here. You might be interested.

> Cheers,
> Frédéric.

> ----- Le 17 Oct 24, à 19:16, Mark Stone <mark.stone at missioncriticalemail.com> a
> écrit :

>> Hi Frédéric,
>> I added a Comment to the bug via the Support Portal that we have seen this
>> behavior with users doing Send Later just using their regular email address; no
>> alias, no SendAs etc. Hope that helps.

>> I will be in Miami next week for the Zimbra Americas Partner Conference. This
>> and other bugs are on my own list to bring up with management. If you have
>> other bugs you’d like me to add to the list, please just let me have the ZBUG
>> number.

>> Separately, Barry you may have already heard is no longer working at Zimbra.

>> Regards,
>> Mark

>> --
>> _________________________________________________________________
>> L. Mark Stone, Founder

>> North America's Leading Zimbra VAR/BSP/Training Partner
>> For Companies With Mission-Critical Email Needs

>>> On Oct 16, 2024, at 6:07 AM, Frédéric Nass <frederic.nass at univ-lorraine.fr>
>>> wrote:

>>> I forgot to warn about the data loss in my previous message since the deleted
>>> Draft is not going to Trash nor Dumpster.

>>> @Barry, if you happen to read this, Zimbra support team wrongly identifies this
>>> bug a being ZBUG-4384. We may need a little help here. :-)

>>> Regards,
>>> Frédéric.

>>> ----- Le 16 Oct 24, à 11:29, Frédéric Nass <frederic.nass at univ-lorraine.fr> a
>>> écrit :

>>>> Hello,

>>>> This message is to report that the 'Send later' feature is broken in latest ZCS
>>>> 10.0.10 (maybe not just 10.0.10).

>>>> Steps to reproduce:

>>>> 1/ schedule a message to be sent
>>>> 2/ restart the mailboxd
>>>> 3/ at the time the message is supposed to be sent, the message is deleted from
>>>> the Drafts folder without being sent.

>>>> We've opened a Zimbra support case and disabled
>>>> zimbraFeatureMailSendLaterEnabled for now.

>>>> Regards,
>>>> Frédéric.

>>>> --
>>>> Frédéric Nass

>>>> Sous-direction Infrastructures et Services
>>>> Direction du Numérique
>>>> Université de Lorraine
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