[Users] zimbraAllowFromAddress and SMTP enforce

Guy CARRÉ guycarre at free.fr
Tue Jan 30 20:47:57 CET 2018

   Hello the list,

 when using SMTP enforcing : https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Enforcing_a_match_between_FROM_address_and_sasl_username_8.5
you are not allow to send from another address with a MUA unless you have the zimbraAllowFromAddress set.

 For exemple my account is john at domain_A.tld
If I want to send from another internal address for example bob at domain_A.tld wich is not use I can put it
as zimbraAllowFromAddress. But if the address is already in used we get an error message indicated that 
you can use an internal address.
 With the webmail this is not a problem because you can use delegation or ACL/ACE but with a MUA this is not possible
because SMTP request for a ldap attribute like zimbraAllowFromAddress is used to match sender with the From address.

 It was possible until 8.0.X to add an internal address in the zimbraAllowFromAddres but since 8.6 it is impossible
(with 7071 or zmprov ).

 So my question is simple how to you handle this ? On my side I use ldapmodify to add internal address in the zimbraAllowFromAddress


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|  Guy CARRÉ                          |
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