[Users] Zimbra mailbox project

Barry de Graaff info at barrydegraaff.tk
Thu Jan 18 19:58:55 CET 2018

If you could make a tool to do an integrity check on zmmailbox exports, that would be really 
nice. It would also maybe allow the bugs in zmmailbox to get more specific, and we can 
than add debug info to the bugzilla. 

And maybe start hoping for a patch. 

Kind regards, 

Barry de Graaff 
Zeta Alliance 
Co-founder & Developer 
zetalliance.org | github.com/Zimbra-Community 

+31 617 220 227 | skype: barrydegraaff.tk 
Fingerprint: 97f4694a1d9aedad012533db725ddd156d36a2d0 

From: "Randy Leiker" <randy at skywaynetworks.com> 
To: users at lists.zetalliance.org 
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:55:57 PM 
Subject: Re: [Users] Zimbra mailbox project 

Hi Marc, 

As a Zimbra BSP, we're solely using Zimbra Network Edition here, but if I recall correctly, I think Barry is right. Zmmboxmove is included only as a Network Edition feature, while zmmailbox is included in both Zimbra versions. 

Thanks for the heads-up on the bug for the REST interface in Zimbra. I too have encountered that same bug in the past when doing an export/import of customer mailboxes from earlier Zimbra versions, which initially led me to stop using the import/export feature for customer migrations. I also ran across this list of known issues that Jorge posted for zmmboxmove around the same time as when bug 101760 was posted: https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Zmmboxmove#Identified_Support.2FKnown_Issues . 

I'm going to experiment with zmmailbox, along with zmmboxmove to see which of the two can reliably move an end user mailbox in the shortest possible time while maintaining complete integrity of the source mailbox. If both utilities prove reliable in 8.8.6, then I could build the automation script for this project to simply check which utility is available, depending on which Zimbra edition is in use. Or, if neither works reliably (or with acceptable performance), then it's back to the drawing board to find or build a new option. The Zextras modules are definitely on the table as an option too. 

Randy Leiker ( randy at skywaynetworks.com ) 
Skyway Networks, LLC 
1.800.538.5334 / 913.663.3900 Ext. 100 
[ http://www.skywaynetworks.com/ | https://www.skywaynetworks.com ] 

From: "Marc Gadsdon" <mg at in-tuition.net> 
To: users at lists.zetalliance.org 
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:52:23 AM 
Subject: Re: [Users] Zimbra mailbox project 

> In the email announcing the project yesterday, I didn't 
> elaborate much on the methods being evaluated for evacuating end user mailboxes 
> from a mailbox node, but two that I'm looking at now, for automation with 
> scripting, are both zmmboxmove & zmmailbox. They both use differing methods, 
> where the former seems to use a rsync-like method, and the latter uses an 
> export/import method. Since the intent of the project is to use existing admin 
> functionality within Zimbra, along with additional helper open source utilities 
> where appropriate, I don't yet know which of these offers the best match & to 
> what degree these utilities remain functional when a mailbox node goes bad. I 
> think this question can only be answered through additional testing. 

Hi Randy, 

Is zmmailbox available in FOSS - I'm unfamiliar with FOSS, so don't know. You also need to be aware of this bug https://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=101760 which is pretty nasty and, I think, renders zmmailbox exports unreliable. I was just thinking that it might be that you'll be forced to leverage Network Edition features to make this project viable and in which case, you might consider the Zextras modules - in particular the migration component which may offer you more options and better performance. 



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