[Users] Zimbra Nextcloud / WebDAV Client now supports WebDAV Search

Barry de Graaff info at barrydegraaff.tk
Fri Jan 12 16:35:56 CET 2018

Hello All, 

Here is some good news, as of today Zimbra Nextcloud / WebDAV Client supports WebDAV Search. 
So you can recursive search for items by their name, and then it returns all matching items from 
an unlimited amount of folders. The functionality is already pushed to Github, 
but is not 100% ready yet. But basic searches work. Read on below. 


    * Request custom properties (size/modified) now appear blank in results 
    * Make the back-end insensitive for the order of search words, right now, search words need to appear in the result in the correct order. 
    * Add support for sorting the result by clicking the column header 

Tracking in: https://github.com/Zimbra-Community/owncloud-zimlet/issues/147 

Kind regards, 

Barry de Graaff 
Zeta Alliance 
Co-founder & Developer 
zetalliance.org | github.com/Zimbra-Community 

+31 617 220 227 | skype: barrydegraaff.tk 
Fingerprint: 97f4694a1d9aedad012533db725ddd156d36a2d0 
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